Lolldaiga Conservancy is a unique and ancient landscape. Located 20 km northwest of Mount Kenya at an altitude of 1,700 – 2,300 m, the conservancy is comprised of a series of magnificent high folding hills, cedar forests, open grasslands, and wooded valleys that sustain important biodiversity and archaeological sites. It has outstanding views of Mt Kenya, the Aberdares, Laikipia, and the vastness of northern Kenya.
With between 500-700ml of rainfall each year, the varied habitats provide a home for diverse wildlife and bird species. Visitors frequently spot elephant, buffalo, lion, hyena, jackal, zebra (including the endangered Grevy's), many different plains game, vervet monkeys and baboons. Lucky guests might encounter leopard, cheetah, wild dog, or the magnificent colobus in the cedars on the hilltops. In addition, well documented archaeological sites including cave paintings and burial mounds provide a glimpse into the world of early people who lived in this area. A visit to Lolldaiga Conservancy provides the opportunity to connect more deeply with nature.
Please book through

Lolldaiga Conservancy is home to a vast array of flora and fauna. We have four of the ‘Big Five’ (no rhino) as well as cheetah, giraffe, hartebeest, oryx and eland among others. Our roads pass through and beside diverse habitats – hilltops,
valleys, dams, open plains and bush; making for a scenic and varied game drive. If you are unfamiliar with the roads, please take a map with you.

We can organise walks with our guide and an armed ranger, subject to availability and number of people per group. Walking gives you the chance to see some of the smaller flora and fauna that you may miss on game drives, as well as some incredible views. Please inform the guide of how far you would like to walk and the level of difficulty. We have some very steep hills and are at a high altitude. When walking please wear neutral/bush coloured clothes, carry plenty of water and follow any safety instructions that the guide/ranger may give you.

The prime bird-watching sites here are at dams. We recommend parking your car, getting comfortable, and sitting for a couple of hours with a good pair of binoculars and camera. We have Giant Kingfishers, Black Storks, and numerous birds of prey. We are in the process of compiling a species list so for those of you that are experienced birders, please record and pass on any interesting finds.

Lolldaiga Conservancy has, for thousands of years, been a meeting point for people living across the landscape. On the western side of the conservancy is a cave, where remnants of ancient fires and paintings up to four thousand years old provide a window into the past. Visits to the cave will be accompanied by one of our rangers and are subject to availability and number of people per group.

One of our best picnic spots is the large dam you pass on the left hand side on the way in to the Farmhouse. Under the shade of fig tree you can relax whilst, if you’re lucky, elephants, zebra and waterbuck, among others, come down to drink.

Around every corner you can find somewhere beautiful to stop and enjoy a delicious drink as the sun goes down.
Lolldaiga Conservancy is a truly superb spot for camping, offering visitors a chance to properly enjoy the wilderness. Our main campsite, Whistling Thorn, is well prepared for guests with long-drop loos and beautiful views.
or call +254 (0) 794 676 250
Citizens: Ksh 2,000 per adult per day, Ksh 1,000 per child per day (5-15 yrs)
Residents: Ksh 4,000 per adult per day, Ksh 2,000 per child per day (5-15 yrs)
Non-residents: $120 per adult per day, $60 per child per day (5-15 yrs)
Pay with Mpesa:
Go to Buy Goods
Enter Till No. 4962256
Enter amount
Non-commercial campers pay an individual camping fee plus conservation fees, per individual per night. Professional organisations pay a standard camp fee per night, for the whole camp, plus conservation fees per individual per night. Please contact for rates and further information.

Below is the Lolldaiga Conservancy Code of Conduct which all visitors must adhere to:
Entrance to Lolldaiga Conservancy is strictly on a pre-booking basis only.
Please read, sign, and give the Indemnity Form to the guard at the second gate on arrival (download the Indemnity Form here).
You may game drive anywhere on the Lolldaiga Conservancy but please do not drive off-road. Be careful of old tracks (they may have large aardvark holes) and avoid roads that are boggy in the rainy season.
The speed limit is 40 KPH.
Be alert for wildlife at all times and please be considerate when viewing animals. Do not make excessive noise on game drives – it may frighten the animals and make them aggressive. Animals have right of way.
Do not leave your vehicle on game drives, except in designated areas. If riding, do not dismount in the presence of wildlife.
Do not discard litter or cigarette butts anywhere on the Conservancy.
Please do not damage or remove any flora or fauna, including bones and plants.
Never feed the wildlife. It will habituate the animals, cause unnecessary dependence on humans and possibly harm to the animal.
If you see or hear anything out of the ordinary please report it to the gate guard (mobile no. 0797-177437)
Please do not walk without an armed ranger. Please do not run anywhere on the Conservancy.